NASCLA Exam Book Bundle Additional References

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We understand that our clients want to be well equipped when preparing for the exam, but if you were to research the information to the extent that we have over the last several years you will find that the Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14) and the Construction Project Management, 2014, 4th Edition texts are redundant given the nineteen texts we have included in our Book Bundle.

We are also considerate of our clients' out-of-pocket expense when purchasing the Book Bundle, which would increase by several hundreds of dollars were we to include these texts.

Rest assured that the content that you need for the NASCLA Accredited exam is more than sufficiently covered in our Book Bundle. We have a very high first-time pass rate for the NASCLA exam and have found that the 19-book bundle is more than sufficient to prepare you to pass the exam.

If you still decide you would like to purchase the books, however, we can supply the books to you as requested. The two books are available for purchase above.