25 Proven Marketing Tips for Roofing Contractors

25 Proven Marketing Tips for Roofing Contractors

In the roofing industry, you’ve made a dedication to keeping everything covered. So why should your marketing strategy be any different?

If finding fresh leads is trickier than nailing down shingles, check out these top contractor marketing tips from the Contractor Training Center guaranteed to find you new clients and increase your bottom line.

How many of these marketing strategies are you already doing? How many are you missing?  You might be surprised at some high-level techniques you can start doing today!

Update your small business to the 21st century while holding on to the old-school dedication and drive that got you started in the first place!

1) Get In-Person

Let's start with the marketing basics. When you make a face-to-face connection with someone, they will remember you when they need to hire you.

One method is to either canvass the local neighborhood or set up at the shopping center. You can pass out flyers and explain all your services directly to the people who hire you. Word of mouth is a tried-and-true method of direct marketing that gets real people talking to you about your business fast.

Pro tip: use this method after a storm or during other times when roofing needs are in high demand.

2) Use Real Mail 

Nope, not electronic mail yet — we’ll address that later. Here, we're talking physical paper that will show up in a lead's mailbox. Get your business in the hands of a wider audience when you send our postcards or letters. 

Also, follow up with thank-you notes to recent clients, so they keep you in mind for next time. A thank-you letter also increases your reputation as a business that engages its customers. Good marketing forges relationships and doesn't end when the service ends.

3) Use Google My Business

Ok, let’s get a little more tech-savvy here—it’s time to take advantage of the internet. Google My Business is a free marketing service that allows you to list your business and upload your hours, location, link to your website, and online reviews.

You want to make searching online for your business as easy as possible for leads, creating opportunities to make it easy for leads to find you. 

4) Embrace SEO

Continuing with online marketing advantages, make sure to optimize all your web content for great results. SEO or search engine optimization is the algorithm used to get you higher on internet search results. This marketing method rules the internet these days. It is one of the best and proven ways to attract eyeballs to your pages by just being clever with your words.

Include roofing keywords in your content and follow up on the constantly changing SEO algorithm to consistently achieve the best results. 

5) Follow Local SEO 

Local SEO means following the rules but honing in on only your specific geographic area. Getting your Google listing is a large part of this, alongside adding backlinks and plenty of keywords. 

If you're running a small business, you don't need a marketing campaign that makes your website visible across the country. Focus on your local listings and get spotted where it matters.

6) Start a Blog

Flesh out your website with a blog that is full of keywords, backlinks, and expert information. The more content you load up into your website, the better shot you have at leads not only finding your business but trusting your company as a reputable source. 

The marketing here can be a hidden strategy. Offer backlinks to your front page as the solutions to the problems you describe in an article.

Having great articles on your blog also increase traffic to your website and helps new people find all you have to offer. Try to stick to a schedule, like twice a month or weekly, so you always stay ahead and have the latest and best information. 

7) Pay Per Click

Pay per click (PPC) is an internet marketing method that an advertiser only has to pay when the ad generates a click. Using eye-catching advertising will encourage people to click on your ad and learn more about your business. 

Instead of a fixed price, you only pay when someone clicks on the link. No more wasting money hoping people are finding your ad. And the results are good! Companies that use PPC can make back over $2 for every $1 they spend. Be brilliant online and make the World Wide Web work for you.

8) Social Media Marketing

Besides direct advertising, utilize Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Reddit, and more to cast a wider net. Marketing in your local area with these tools will ensure new leads who don't read the phone book will see everything you have to offer up close and personal. 

Social media marketing is the fastest-growing form of marketing for contractors. Younger customers respond to guerilla-style campaigns on these platforms. If you do not already have a social media expert on your team, hire someone from a younger generation who is a digital native and knows how to create the content people want.

9) Record Video

Video marketing is an organic way of introducing clients to your team in a personable and fun way. Let everyone introduce themselves and give a fun fact. Then when a lead reaches out, they feel they already know your brand and team.

Make a video to explain in plain terms why your business is superior to competitors. Distribute this content beyond your website, put it on Facebook and Instagram (but make sure your aspect ratio is correct first!).

10) Include an FAQ Section 

Toss a contracting FAQ section on your website that highlights you as an expert in the business. You want people to turn to you with all their roofing questions, so you will be their first choice when they need expert help. 

Always put backlinks to your assessment or quote page within your FAQ, so leads can follow your ‘call to action’ and end up reaching out.

11) Create a Public Portfolio

No matter how great and sleek your roofing marketing strategy is, you need to show you can get the job done at the end of the day. Take a plethora of photos after every single job well done. This is the time and the place to show off.

Take pride in your work and flood your Facebook and other social media with beautiful roofs. A proud roofer shows off his roof and shares that hard work. 

Always get permission from your client before you post pictures of their home online. 

12) Telemarketing

You don't have to outsource your telemarketing overseas. You’ll have better results when your office calls directly. Open up the white pages and start going through the names. 

Be prepared for most people to hang up after a minute or two, but if you keep up your consistency and call a few names every day, your business will see actual results. Older customers especially are more likely to respond to this method.

13) Newsletter Time

Set up a monthly newsletter that gets emailed out once a month to all your current clients and potential leads. Give an update on your business and give short bios of any new employees. Your content should always be fresh and exciting to avoid people unsubscribing. 

Never lose an email. You want as many people as possible to get your information. A newsletter is also a great place to offer roofing discounts and deals. Consider seasonal roofing sales and other enticing headlines to keep leads reading all the way through the letter.

14) Angi

Reviews are the backbone of any business. Of course, any roofer will say they are the best roofer, but your reputation increases when clients back that up. 

Angi, formerly known as Angie's List, gives out grades to companies listed on its site. When users rate you well, your grade increases and more leads are likely to choose you over the competition. 

15) Collaborate

Don't go it alone if you don't have to. There are plenty of businesses out there just waiting to partner with a great roofer. Reach out to your local hardware store and see if you can work out a cross-promotion deal.

You'd be surprised how often small businesses want to support each other. If it is a good deal for both of you, then there is nothing to lose. For example, you can set up a stand in front of a store and offer advice straight from a roofer and meet potential leads while also sending business to the hardware store.

You never know until you ask!

16) Attend Roofing Trade Shows

Along with working with local businesses, stay in the know with the industry at large. Attend any trade shows to learn from the competition and discover new products you can use. Ask what marketing tactics are working for other industry professionals and share tips on how to increase your bottom line.

Meet other roofing contractors and discuss the climate of the industry and how to improve conditions all around. You may even meet partners or new employees who want to join forces with you. 

Put yourself out there and make yourself known in the world of roofing.

17) Make Your Website Work For You

A complete overhaul of your website does not have to cost thousands of dollars and necessitate a top digital agency.

Using websites like Wix or Squarespace makes design easy. With templates for small businesses already in place, you can create an easy-to-navigate website for the 21st Century in just minutes.

Don't forget to make your website mobile-friendly, as more than half of users will experience your content on their smartphones.

18) Always Ask For Reviews

Each time you work with a customer, ask them for an honest review that you can quote. Smart roofing contractors always ask for reviews in person, so the client feels more obligated to deliver. 

If you are happy with the review, post it online or across Facebook, Instagram, and other media.

Ask very nicely, and you could even get a picture of a satisfied client with a positive quote right next to their face. The more leads see real people happy with your work, the more likely they will reach you. 

This tried-and-true marketing tip makes your business seem more natural and organically integrated with the community.

19) Give Referral Deals

A fast way to get leads is to create incentives. Get current clients to refer their friends in exchange for a 10% discount. Offer a deal for customers that use a secret code at checkout. 

Even small packages and deals make people feel like they are getting a steal. In the end, it only helps your roofing business grow faster. Referral deals let your customers do the marketing for you through word of mouth.

20) Connect Through LinkedIn

Like any profession, roofing contractors depend on LinkedIn. This networking site connects professionals who are serious about their craft. LinkedIn allows space to list all your credentials and experience in one place.

You can create a personal page and business page to showcase your personal history and brag about your company.

Plus, users can leave reviews and offer opinions of your business. When general contractors are looking for experts to bring on to more significant projects, they trust LinkedIn. Don't miss out on these opportunities—sign up today. 

21) Follow The Weather

Time your roofing marketing to the changes of the season. Are gutters filled in the fall? Are there leaks in the summer? Know the trends and advertise accordingly. 

Send out flyers and post content that matches the season and tailor your discounts and deals to the weather. 

22) Find New Homeowners

New homeowners spend upwards of $10,000 on home renovation within the first year of purchasing a home. Pay close attention to recent closings and pinpoint your business marketing to land in the hands of people who need it the most. 

This pool of customers may be new to town, and you can create a new and valued long-term customer when you make an excellent first impression.

23) Free Estimates Galore

Offer free quotes and estimates constantly. Never charge for this, and you will find yourself meeting new leads every day.

Roofing marketing depends on having something to offer at the drop of a hat. When someone shows even a bit of interest in your services, offer them a free quote — they have nothing to lose, and you've started reeling them in!

24) Become a Local Sponsor 

Get involved in your local community. This form of marketing can take a few different forms. Sponsor the local little league team and find your business name and logo embroidered on the uniforms. 

Sponsor a local restaurant or deli, and you could get a sandwich named after your business! These guerilla marketing tactics are fun and prove you to be a valued member of the community.

Take care of the people, and the people will patronize your business.

25) What Makes You Unique?

How is your business, unlike all others? Most of the time, that comes down to the people and personalities running it. Customers are savvy these days; they can see through slick marketing techniques that don't come across as genuine. 

Put yourself into your work and make sure the person people read about online is the same one who shows up at their door ready to work.

The Bottom Line

Customers always require a fair amount of trust to bring a stranger to their home to do work. A large part of roofing marketing is convincing people you are a reputable person who will work well and not rip them off.

The best way to prove yourself is to get licensed in your state or local municipality. That's why Contractor Training Center is here with the tools to help you pass your exam the first time!

An official license is a necessary launchpad for any successful roofing marketing campaign. Whether you are looking to start a business from scratch or gain additional accreditations, your license is the seal of approval you need.

With years of experience training contractors across the country, there's no test we haven't seen and conquered before. 

Find the tools to get licensed today and register now!

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