Kansas Standard Roofing Contractor/Subcontractor (ICC 553) Exam

Prepare for the 553 Kansas standard roofing contractor/subcontractor exam with our courses

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Overview & Benefits

553 Kansas Standard Roofing Contractor/subcontractor Exam Prep Services and Materials

ICC is known industry-wide as the leader in providing the highest quality certifications. When you earn an ICC certification, you demonstrate superior knowledge and understanding of the codes.

A 553 Kansas Standard Roofing Contractor/Subcontractor is licensed to perform roofing, re-roofing, roof insulation, and roof drainage.

What's on the Exam?

What's on the Kansas Roofing Contractor Exam?

# of Questions Minimum Passing Score Time Allowed
60 45 (75%) 180 minutes
Content Area % of Total
General Administration 5%
Permits 6%
Inspections and Structural Tests 5%
Violations and Stop Work Orders 2%
Weather Protection 4%
Fire Classification 15%
Requirements for Roof Coverings 36%
Re-roofing 2%
Roof Insulation 5%
Rooftop Structures 8%
Roof Drainage 12%

For more information about the Kansas Roofing Contractor (ICC 553) Exam, you can refer to the candidate information bulletin from Pearson VUE, linked here.

Exam Preparation

What you'll need to prepare for the exam

Exam Prep Course

Our Exam Prep course is offered as an online, pre-recorded course that you can complete at any time. Course material is delivered digitally so you can start preparing for your exam immediately after purchasing the course.

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Book Bundle

We offer the necessary references allowed into the exam. We also offer a pre-tabbed and highlighted version of the bundle already containing our permanent tabs and course curriculum highlights, saving you countless hours of tabbing and highlighting the books yourself.

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Our exam prep tabs help mark the commonly referenced sections of the books used in the exam. Don't waste time flipping through your books in the timed exam - our tabs help you to be able to quickly reference important material in your books and move on to the next question without wasting valuable time.

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License Requirements

Steps to obtaining your license

All ICC contractor exam licensees are still required to meet other state and local licensing regulations in order to obtain a license in any accepting state or municipality.

These requirements include meeting requirements such as supplying proof of adequate insurance and worker's compensation and submitting a State Board Contractor License Application.

Do you need help applying for your license? We offer license application fulfillment services - let one of our license specialists walk you through the application process!