Overview & Benefits
Obtaining a Contractor’s License in the State of New York
Not just anyone can work as a general contractor in New York. Like with all of the other states, New York has certain guidelines in place. These requirements are unavoidable if you want to work on major projects or start a legitimate business. Before beginning any work or taking on any liabilities, you need to have the proper licensure.
Some contractors choose to forgo the licensing process. Without this documentation, they often find small-scale jobs that are few and far between. However, a general contractor’s license will let you legally and safely perform large-scale jobs. You will establish your business and gain more loyal, higher-paying clients.
Obtaining your general contractor’s license may seem intimidating at first:
Where do I begin?
What requirements do I need to meet?
What if I don’t pass the exams?
Here at Contractor Training Center, we have all of the resources you need to do so. We offer extensive courses and materials you can use to help you pass the required exams. Below, our experts will outline everything you need to know. We will cover all of the pertinent New York rules, laws, and regulations about general contractor’s licenses.
In New York, the only contractors that are licensed at the state level are crane operators and contractors who handle asbestos. Otherwise, general contractors in New York will need to apply for a license at the local level. Depending on where you live, you will need to abide by certain city or county regulations.
The Benefits of Having a Contractor’s License in New York
Upon receiving your general contractor’s license in New York, you can start working. Some of the benefits you will experience include:
Higher Earning Potential
Without a license, the type of work you can take on is severely limited. When you get one, you can start taking on bigger jobs that pay more. Increase your workload and profits by getting a New York general contractor’s license.
Your customers will feel at ease hiring you to perform a job knowing that you have the credentials. When you invest your own money and time into getting your license, customers will know that you take your trade seriously.
Trust with clients: Obtaining your license isn’t something that can be done overnight. With a license in hand, clients will feel confident that you have the skills necessary to perform potentially dangerous construction jobs. They’ll know that you’ll follow all applicable regulations and laws. This will help you become established in your area, and a growing number of clients will turn to you to complete their large-scale projects.