Virginia Commercial Building Contractor (CBC) Exam Prep Courses & Reference Materials

Prepare for the Virginia commercial building contractor (CBC) exam with our courses

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Overview & Benefits

The right resources and exam prep services

We offer everything you need to prepare for the Virginia Commercial Building Contractor exam.

To prepare for the exam, you will need books and tabs as well as our exam prep course. We also give the option to purchase pre-tabbed and highlighted books, saving you valuable hours of highlighting the information within the books yourself.

Virginia Commercial Building Contractors may perform work on contracts that include construction, remodeling, repair, improvement, removal, or demolition on real property owned, controlled, or leased by another person of commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures. The CBC classification does not provide for electrical, plumbing, HVAC, or gas fitting services and does not allow construction, repair, or improvement, of dwellings and townhouses as defined in the USBC. If the CBC contractor performs specialty services, other than those listed in this definition, all required specialty designations shall be obtained.

The CBC contractor may act as a prime contractor and contract with subcontractors to perform work not permitted by the CBC license.

The commercial building classification includes but is not limited to the functions carried out by the following specialties for contracts of commercial, institutional, governmental, and accessory use buildings or structures, including multi-family housing:

Billboard/sign contracting, Marine facility contracting, Commercial improvement contracting, Masonry contracting, Concrete contracting, Painting and wall covering contracting, Farm improvement contracting, Recreational facility contracting, Industrialized building contracting, Roofing Contracting, Landscape service contracting, and Swimming pool contracting

About Our Products And Services

We know obtaining a contractor's license is a complicated process. We're here to simplify the process as much as possible - and with our proven-effective study techniques and proprietary study materials, we can help set you up for success in the exams.

What's on the Exam?

Get a strong start in building your career

# of Questions Minimum Passing Score Time Allowed
80 56 (70%) 180 minutes
Subject Area # of questions
Site Work 8
Concrete including Reinforcement 9
Masonry 9
Metals 9
Carpentry 9
Thermal and Moisture Protection 8
Associated Trades Finishes including Drywall Metal Stud Framing Insulation and Moisture Control Doors, Windows, and Glazing 7
Safety 7
Estimating and Plan Reading 8
General Building Code Requirements Life Safety and Egress Accessibility Fire Protection Requirements General Code Provisions 6

You can also refer to the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin here for more information on testing policies.

Exam Preparation

What you'll need to prepare for the exam

Exam Prep Course

Our Virginia Commercial Building Contractor (CBC) Exam Prep course includes access to book highlighting guides, online videos on test-taking strategies, previous live class recordings, learning modules, practice quizzes, and an exam simulator.

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Book Bundle

The Virginia Commercial Building Contractor (CBC) Exam is an open-book exam. You may bring the approved references listed here into the exam with you. We also offer pre-tabbed and highlighted books to save you the time of tabbing and highlighting the book yourself.

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Our exam prep tabs help mark the commonly referenced sections of the books used in the exam. Don't waste time flipping through your books in the timed exam - our tabs help you to be able to quickly reference important material in your books and move on to the next question without wasting valuable time.

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License Requirements

Steps to obtaining your license

All Virginia Contractor Applicants are still required to meet other state licensing regulations in order to obtain a license. All applicants must complete the Mandatory 8-Hour Pre-License Course and submit a license application to DPOR. Class A and Class B Applicants must also take and pass a business law exam before submitting a license application to DPOR.

We offer exam prep services and materials for the Virginia Contractors Class A/B Exam as well as License Application Fulfillment Services.

Haven't taken the mandatory 8-Hour Pre-License Course? Get started today on our partner site, Virginia Exam Training!

You can learn more about the Virginia Business Law exam here.