Tabs for National Standard Building Contractor B (ICC G12) Exam
Our exam prep tabs mark the specific sections of the book that are most often referenced in questions in the ICC G12 Exam, helping you navigate the books quickly during the timed exams. You cannot use tabs such as post-its, as tabs must have permanent adhesive (per PSI). Our permanent, pre-printed tabs are approved for use within the references for PSI exams.
This tab set includes tabs for the following books:
- International Building Code, 2018
International Residential Code, 2018
- ICC Concrete Manual, Based on the 2021 IBC and ACI 318-19
Books for the National Standard Building Contractor B Exam are sold separately, linked here. In a hurry to take the exam? Save time with our exam-ready tabbed and highlighted book bundle instead!
These tabs may come on varied colored tabs or all white tabs; content on tabs and materials does not change, but colors of the tabs may vary from the item photograph above depending on supplier availability.