Virginia Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) Exam Tabbed and Highlighted Book Bundle
This is a pre-tabbed and highlighted book bundle, containing all the books necessary for the Virginia Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) Exam at PSI.
This bundle contains the following books with permanent tabs attached and pertinent exam material highlighted within each book:
- 29 CFR Part 1926 and Related Standards (a Contractor Training Center publication)
- International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2018 edition
- Carpentry and Building Construction
- ASCC-1(05): The Contractor’s Guide to Quality Concrete Construction
- Craftsman's Manual and Textbook, 8th edition
- Modern Masonry - Brick, Block, Stone
- Standard Practice for Installation of Rigid Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Siding and Soffit
- Insulation Handbook, 2000
- Gypsum Construction Handbook
- Finish Carpenters' Manual
- ANSI A117.1-2017 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities