North Carolina Construction Exam Prep

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Overview & Benefits

North Carolina Construction Licensing Options

While there are two separate licenses relevant to residential and commercial construction work in North Carolina, there are three exams that are recognized when applying for a General Contractor license. 

To obtain your residential building license in North Carolina, you must take and pass the North Carolina Residential Contractor Exam. The exam tests your knowledge of residential building codes and other relevant regulations, effective construction practices, as well as business principles necessary for operating a contracting business. 

To obtain your commercial building license in North Carolina, applicants must take and pass either the National NASCLA Commercial Building Contractor Exam or the North Carolina Building Contractor Exam. The content and reciprocity of the exams have distinct differences, including the number of books allowed into the exam, time allowed to complete the test, exam content areas, and acceptable testing locations. However, each trade exam option has its own benefits depending on your business plan and expansion goals. 

The North Carolina Building Contractor Exam focuses on contracting requirements and regulations specific to the state of North Carolina. Its content covers topics relevant to North Carolina building codes, licensing laws, and specific industry practices within the state.  

The NASCLA Commercial Builder Exam is a credential for contractors who plan to work in multiple states or who seek to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of building contracting principles beyond state-specific regulations. NASCLA Commercial Building Contractor exam transcripts are currently accepted by over 16 state licensing agencies, allowing license applicants to waive their state trade exam when applying for licenses in multiple states.

We offer everything you need to prepare for the North Carolina Residential Contractor Exam, North Carolina Building Contractor Exam, and the NASCLA exam, each accepted in North Carolina for commercial construction. In addition, we provide exam prep resources for the North Carolina Business & Law Exam, required for all North Carolina Contractor license applicants. 

If you're not sure which licensing exam option is best for you, book a 30-minute Start-Up Consultation with one of our licensing experts to discuss your unique business needs, and get started building your path to success as a licensed contractor in North Carolina today!