Overview & Benefits
The right resources and exam prep services
We offer everything you need to prepare for the Virginia HIC and CIC exams.
To prepare for the exam, you will need books and tabs as well as our exam prep course. We also give the option to purchase pre-tabbed and highlighted books, saving you valuable hours of highlighting the information within the books yourself.
Virginia HIC Contractors may perform repairs or improvements to dwellings and townhouses as defined in the USBC or structures annexed to those dwellings or townhouses as defined in the USBC. The RBC classification also provides for this function. The HIC specialty does not provide for electrical, plumbing, HVAC, or gas fitting functions. It does not include new construction functions beyond the existing building structure other than decks, patios, driveways, and utility outbuildings that do not require a permit per the USBC.
Similarly, Virginia CIC Contractors may perform repairs or improvements to structures not defined as dwellings and townhouses in the USBC. The CBC classification also provides for this function. The CIC classification does not provide for the construction of new buildings, accessory buildings, electrical, plumbing, HVAC or gas work.