Louisiana Electrical Work (Statewide) Exam Prep Book Bundle
This book bundle contains all the necessary references to prepare for the open-book Louisiana Electrical Work (Statewide) Exam. This bundle contains the following references:
- Ugly's Electrical References, 2020 Edition
- NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC), 2020 Edition
- American Electricians' Handbook, Seventeenth Edition, 2021
- NFPA 70E, Standards for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, 2021
Note: the LSLBC supplies books at the testing center for candidates to use within the open-book exam. These books may be used to study for the exam and will match the references supplied at the testing center. For more information about the Louisiana Statewide Electrical licensing exam, visit the LSLBC website, linked here.