Mississippi Concrete Exam Prep Pre-Tabbed and Highlighted Book Bundle
This pre-tabbed and highlighted book bundle contains all the references necessary to prepare for taking the open-book Mississippi Concrete Contractor exam at PSI.
These books contain our course curriculum highlights and exam prep tabs in each book. The following books can be taken into the exam:
- Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA), with latest available amendments
- Formwork for Concrete, 8th Edition
- Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures
- Sawcutting Joints in Concrete, Bruce A. Suprenant, 1995, Concrete Construction Magazine
- Sawcutting Concrete Flatwork, Rosalie Johnston, 1994, Concrete Construction Magazine
- Taking the Tedium Out of Cutting, 1981, Concrete Construction Magazine
- Tips for Cutting Concrete, 1987, Concrete Construction Magazine
- International Building Code, 2018 edition