NASCLA Exam for Residential Electrical Contractors Tabbed and Highlighted Book Bundle
The NASCLA Accredited Trade Examination for Residential Electrical Contractors is an open-book exam. This book bundle contains each of the following approved reference manuals that PSI will allow you into the exam,
with our exam prep tabs and highlights applied within:
- NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code, 2020 edition
- 29 CFR 1926 OSHA Construction Industry Regulations, with latest available amendments
- Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity, 2016 edition
- International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2015 edition
- NASCLA Contractor’s Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, Basic 14th edition
- NFPA 70E - Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, 2015 edition
- Soares - Grounding and Bonding
- Ugly’s Electrical References, 2020 edition
- NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code