Tennessee BC-A, b (sm) Combined Residential/Light Commercial Contractor Book Bundle
This bundle contains all of the books that you will need for the Tennessee BC-A, b (sm) Residential/Small Commercial Contractor open-book exam at PSI:
- International Building Code, 2012
- International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2018
- The Contractor's Guide to Quality Concrete Construction
- Code of Federal Regulations - 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA), with latest available amendments
- Carpentry & Building Construction
- Roofing Construction & Estimating
- Modern Masonry - Brick, Block, Stone
- Pipe and Excavation Contracting
- Gypsum Construction Handbook
- Technical Digest No. 9 - Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders
- SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck
- ACI 530/530.1-13: Building Code Requirements and Specifications for Masonry Structures and Companion Commentaries, American Concrete Institute
- ACI 318-14: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary, American Concrete Institute
Tabs for this book bundle are sold separately the link here.