Virginia Highway Heavy Exam Tabbed and Highlighted Book Bundle
This is a pre-tabbed and highlighted book bundle, containing all the books necessary for Virginia Highway Heavy Exam at PSI.
This bundle contains the following books with permanent tabs attached and pertinent exam material highlighted within each book:
- Modern Welding
- Design & Control of Concrete Mixtures
- Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook, MAPH-2
- Placing Reinforcing Bars
- Stormwater Summary
- Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girder
- DIPRA Installation Guide for Ductile Iron Pipe
- Excavation & Grading Handbook Revised
- Code of Federal Regulations CFR Part 1926 and Related Standards (a Contractor Training Center publication)
- Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods
- Jacked Tunnel Design and Construction