National NASCLA Commercial General Building Contractor Exam Prep Course
The NASCLA Accredited Examination Program was designed to assist contractors who need to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions. Contractors who take the accredited examination can access NASCLA’s Examination Database (NED) and request that their results be sent to other jurisdictions that accept the examination, thereby reducing redundant licensing requirements.
Contractor Training Center makes learning easy and practical with 24-hour accessibility and live classes to address your most important questions. Our class is built to prepare you for real life situations, so you’ll be ready to tackle issues head on. Many schools offer training, but we take it a step further by providing experienced teachers who have a thorough understanding of the materials and how to apply them on the job. Our expert's
priority is to ensure that success is not only likely but inevitable. Sign up today to get ahead in your career!
The NASCLA Accredited Exam for Commercial Building Contractors is recognized as a trade exam for commercial licensing in:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia & the Virgin Islands.
Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, the US Virgin Islands, Utah, and West Virginia also accept the NASCLA Commercial Builder Exam for licenses involving residential construction.