The exam is open-book. You may use the following approved references when taking the exam:
- National Electrical Code (NEC), 2017 edition
- Ugly's Electrical Reference, any edition
We offer these books in a bundle linked here. Books may be tabbed and highlighted for the exam. We sell exam prep tabs for this book bundle separately here. In a hurry? Save time with our exam-ready tabbed and highlighted book bundle instead!
Additional Materials
The exam, administered by Pearson VUE, is open-book. You may bring the approved references into the exam, and reference manuals may be tabbed and highlighted. Tabs must be permanent adhesive tabs - removable tabs such as post-its are not allowed in the examination center. Tabs for the books allowed inside the exam are available here.
Additional Licensing Requirements
To obtain a license, you will need to apply for licensure for the jurisdiction(s) you will be performing work in. Most cities, counties, and states require an application and supporting documents to be submitted for review before issuing a contractor's license. We have state application specialists that can help walk you through the entire application process with our Application Processing Services.